Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Raptor Resource Project

Other than the fact that I find many quilters are bird feeders/watchers, this blog has nothing to do with quilting, but I thought if you have any avian interests you might be as fascinated as I am with this Raptor Research Project.

I have been watching a nature reality show (a live stream) starring Mr. and Mrs. Bald Eagle and their three eaglets.  The first of three eggs was laid Feb. 23rd.  The first hatched 4/1, the second 4/3 and the 3rd 4/6.  This 6' wide nest is perched nearly 80 feet high in a cottonwood tree near Decorah, Iowa USA which is in the NE corner of Iowa, very near the Minnesota border.  This is evidenced by the fact that the hidden camera gets snow-crusted every so often while they are still having snow storms.  This nest is built near the Decorah Fish Hatchery which accounts for the fact that about every 20-30 minutes one of the parents flies in with a fresh fish....or some other goodie for the babies.

I also love the other sights and sounds that come with the video, cars on a road far below can be seen in the upper right hand corner, dogs barking, and an occasionally cow seen walking in the background and sometimes voices in the background.

Somewhere I read that these eaglets will be as big as their parents in about 8 weeks.  In the few days I have been watching I can see their growth but worry about the smallest of the eaglets who never seems to get his share of the food at meal time.

You can also follow the RPP Blog for updates on the progress of the babies.

Enjoy natures wonders!

1 comment:

  1. When the baby eaglets fly off, will the parents make any attemp to stay with them? If not what is their survival rate? I love RRP Keep up the great work. Thank all of you for bringing us this beautiful knowledge. Are they any picture available TO BUY of these Eagles.
